Student Leadership
At Belle Vue Park we encourage students from all levels to take on leadership roles which include being a classroom monitor or class helper, acting as a peer coach or supporting younger students by being a "big buddy".
We have opportunities for students to lead in roles such as School Captains and Vice Captains, Assembly Hosts, Junior School Council representatives and sporting team captains.
Each year our year 5/6 students prepare speeches outlining their personal and leadership qualities and talk about the attributes that make them a great candidate to lead the school. They make these speeches to all students who then vote for their preferred candidate.
Our tradition is that our outgoing school leaders present the newly elected leaders with their badges at our final assembly each year.
We have opportunities for students to lead in roles such as School Captains and Vice Captains, Assembly Hosts, Junior School Council representatives and sporting team captains.
Each year our year 5/6 students prepare speeches outlining their personal and leadership qualities and talk about the attributes that make them a great candidate to lead the school. They make these speeches to all students who then vote for their preferred candidate.
Our tradition is that our outgoing school leaders present the newly elected leaders with their badges at our final assembly each year.
Student Congress
Student Advisory Teams
Our school believes students should be offered different platforms to voice their opinions, be consulted and learn how to lead. To this end we establish different student advisory groups. The focus of these groups is decided by current issues. We have a number of advisory groups at present.
The Green Team advisory
Playground Equipment Advisory
This advisory team has looked at 3 quotes from companies. They had input into the types of equipment, the design and layout and discussed value for money for each quote. They are involved in the choice of colours and the layout of the equipment. They discussed their favourite types of equipment and the fun factor. They keep the other students updated on their progress.
Line Marking advisory
Students were very excited to plan and oversee the new playground lines, markings, designs and shapes. They surveyed all students, decided on colours, designs, and where everything went (mapping) They rang the company and had a meeting, they got the quote and stuck to their budget. They counter signed the purchase order. They look after it.