How we teach our students
What do we teach at Belle Vue Park Primary School?
How do we provide feedback to students and families on learning progress?
- Our school delivers a comprehensive curriculum adapted from the Victorian curriculum in line with DET guidelines. We provide students with learning experiences that build on their prior knowledge and give priority above all else to developing and extending the fundamental skills and knowledge in English and Mathematics.
- Underpinning all our curriculum is rigorous planning and high quality teaching utilizing evidence based teaching strategies. Complementing the English and Mathematics programs are our integrated inquiry units, which require students to inquire and explore, interact with others and participate in shared problem solving and group decision making.
- The school has established agreed school-wide approaches to instructional practice in English and Mathematics. Ongoing efforts are made to build teacher capacity and to develop sustained consistency in the delivery of these agreed approaches across the school.
- Much of what we teach - our actions, practices and processes are supported by contemporary evidence based research (Hattie, Marzano) and the Powerful Learning model.
- School wide English and Mathematics plans are in place to guide both teaching and learning across the school.
- Teachers plan, resource, deliver & evaluate their programs as part of a team. Common planning time is made available to teams each week & one day/term is provided for team reflection & planning.
- Inquiry learning strategies, including S.O.L.E. Self Organised Learning Environments support the notion of student discovery which culminates in a “Celebration of Learning” day at the conclusion of a term.
- School improvement is overseen by the School Improvement Team.
- We cater for individual differences and individual student entry points to focus on the Z.P.D. for all students.
- In all lessons we understand the importance of developing and gathering academic & conversational vocabulary. Adjustments to the curriculum to cater for E.A.L. students is necessary.
- We utilise the whole/part/whole model for all lessons. Small teacher led instruction is provided and task differentiation.
- We have a whole school approach to classroom management. Teachers create positive and secure learning environments which model positive communication and behaviour and promote the concepts of negotiation and co-operation.
- The Data Manager & team leaders lead staff in the analysis of student learning data to inform the development of appropriate strategies to improve student learning.
- The school utilises the VCAA On-Line adaptive and linear testing & PAT Maths & Reading assessments to targeted teaching in the area of English and Mathematics.
- The school’s Assessment Schedule provides an ongoing process to gather, analyse and reflect on evidence to make informed and consistent judgements for future learning.
- The principles and practice of Assessment for, as & of learning support teachers in providing evidence of student learning to make judgements on student achievement against goals and standards.
- Teachers examine outcomes of a variety of Common Assessments tasks and teacher designed assessments and participate in moderation.
- Student data walls in each team lounge are used as a visual cue to highlight student progression in English & Mathematics.
- Professional Learning teams and area meetings review student data and progress.
How do we provide feedback to students and families on learning progress?
- Formal reports are provided to families at the end of each semester. Information sessions are provided for families.
- Parent teacher and also Student Led conferences are provided.
- Program Support Group meetings are held for students on P.S.D. or Individual Learning Improvement Plans.
- Students are provided with feedback on their individual/team learning goals.
- Success Criteria and Rubrics inform students on their progress. Teachers also articulate progress to students.
- Reflection time at the conclusion of a lesson informs progress and allows student to self assess against the learning intention/success criteria/rubric.
- Parents &/or teachers are able to request an appointment at any time to discuss progress.
- The S.O.L.E. strategy allows for teacher and peer feedback on learning behaviours, Learning Focus & Learning Effort.
- Celebrations of Learning mornings are held at the conclusion of each term to highlight and celebrate student learning. (students as experts)
- Students use learning logs and learning portfolios to gather evidence of their learning.
- NAPLAN data is shared and discussed.
How are resources used to support student outcomes?
- School Improvement team coordinates participation of staff in peer observations, learning walks, feedback - CRT budget etc.
- Data is used routinely to plan and monitor progress of the instructional program and tracking of student progress using Accelerus (reporting package purchased 2015; Assessment module purchased 2016)
- Mathematics & English curriculum leaders provided with additional time each week.
- The school restructured the timetable and commits time and resources to the core areas of reading and mathematics.
- Program Budgets provide flexibility in spending for each curriculum area, including professional development.
- A Professional Development budget is provided annually.
- Consistency of teacher practice in use of agreed processes & strategies in English/Mathematics in all classrooms is supported by peer observations & feedback. (CRT & release time provided)
- Facilities upgrades have provided contemporary learning spaces to support a variety of learning - gallery space, interview room, boardroom and our large open plan space.
- An annual budget is provided for ongoing I.C.T. resources.
- Resources are allocated to reduce class sizes and to enable intervention strategies. Resources were provided to employ a speech pathologist one day a week between 2011-2014.
- The school subsidizes incursions & excursions to ensure all our students are able to access these rich experiences.
- Classroom learning resources are updated and/or new resources purchased each year as per program budgets.